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/ Info-Mac 4 / Info_Mac IV CD-ROM (Pacific HiTech Inc.)(August 1994).iso / Development / General / ViewIt™ 2.24 Shareware / Pascal Demo Projects / THINK Pascal 4.0 Demos / FaceStorLP.pas < prev    next >
Pascal/Delphi Source File  |  1994-01-26  |  6KB  |  278 lines

  1. {FaceWare 2.23 Commands & Global Record}
  2. {©FaceWare 1989-94.  All Rights Reserved.}
  4. unit FaceStorLP;
  6. interface
  8.     const
  9.         DoInit = -61;
  10.         DoPrep = -62;
  11. {FaceIt commands}
  12.         DoLoop = 0;
  13.         DoEvnt = -51;
  14.         DoMenu = -52;
  15.         GetMsg = -55;
  16. {ViewIt commands}
  17.         DoUpdt2 = -53;
  18.         DoUpdt = -53;
  19.         DoUnld = -63;
  20.         ChgCur = 121;
  21.         PstEvt = 122;
  22.         PopMen = 123;
  23.         PstNot = 124;
  24.         SetIdl = 131;
  25.         EndIdl = 132;
  26.         ShoAlt = 153;
  27.         StpAlt = 154;
  28.         NotAlt = 155;
  29.         CtnAlt = 156;
  30.         SetItm1 = 160;
  31.         SetItm2 = 161;
  32.         SetItm = 161;
  33.         GetItm = 162;
  34.         FixFSC = 163;
  35.         SelFSC = 164;
  36.         ChkMem = 171;
  37.         NewBlk = 172;
  38.         PrgCmd = 173;
  39.         GetFgC = 178;
  40.         GetBkC = 179;
  41.         SetFgC = 180;
  42.         SetBkC = 181;
  43.         SetFSS = 183;
  44.         SetPal2 = 185;
  45.         SetPal = 185;
  46.         StdOpn = 201;
  47.         StdSav = 202;
  48.         GetRef = 205;
  49.         SetRef = 206;
  50.         SetTyp = 208;
  51.         SndBhd = 250;
  52.         GetNam = 251;
  53.         SetNam = 252;
  54.         MovRec = 254;
  55.         MovAlt = 255;
  56.         MovDlg = 256;
  57.         MovWin = 257;
  58.         DrgWnd = 259;
  59.         ShoStr = 261;
  60.         StpStr = 262;
  61.         NotStr = 263;
  62.         CtnStr = 264;
  63.         GetStd = 301;
  64.         SetStd = 302;
  65.         SavDlg = 356;
  66.         SavWin = 357;
  67.         SetSub = 451;
  68.         TrmStr = 452;
  69.         SetPrm = 453;
  70.         CnvStr = 454;
  71.         FndTxt = 455;
  72.         NumToS = 471;
  73.         SToNum = 481;
  74.         GetStr = 491;
  75.         SetStr = 492;
  76.         SrtLst = 493;
  77.         DupLst = 494;
  78.         AddVew = -1200;
  79.         NewWnd = -1201;
  80.         EndWnd = -1202;
  81.         MdlWnd = -1203;
  82.         SizWnd = -1204;
  83.         MovWnd = -1205;
  84.         ShoWnd = -1206;
  85.         HidWnd = -1207;
  86.         GetWVC = -1208;
  87.         GetWnd = -1209;
  88.         LnkCtl = -1210;
  89.         GetCtl = -1211;
  90.         ShoCtl = -1212;
  91.         GetVal = -1213;
  92.         SetVal = -1214;
  93.         OvrCtl = -1215;
  94.         AddCtl = -1216;
  95.         DrwCtl = -1217;
  96.         ScrCtl = -1218;
  97.         ActCtl = -1219;
  98.         SelCtl = -1220;
  99.         DspCtl = -1221;
  100.         StlCtl = -1222;
  101.         SavCtl = -1223;
  102.         SavWnd = -1224;
  103.         SizCtl = -1225;
  104.         MovCtl = -1226;
  105.         ClrCtl = -1227;
  106.         SetVCod = -1228;
  107.         SetInfo = -1228;
  108.         HlpWnd = -1229;
  109.         HitCtl = -1230;
  111.     type
  112. {Global ViewIt record}
  113.         FacePtr = ^FaceRec;
  114.         FaceRec = record
  115. {program-wide info}
  116.                 fHead: array[1..8] of integer;
  117.                 fOffPort: GrafPtr;
  118.                 fCOffPort: GrafPtr;
  119.                 fActiveWnd: WindowPtr;
  120.                 fActiveRec: longint;
  121.                 fActiveID: integer;
  122.                 fActiveResID: integer;
  123.                 fMsgCount: integer;
  124.                 fFlags: longint;
  125.                 fStuff: Ptr;
  126.                 fHeapBuff: longint;
  127.                 fEnvFlags: longint;
  128.                 fSleep: longint;
  129.                 fScreenRect: Rect;
  130.                 fDragRect: Rect;
  131.                 fFrontSleep: longint;
  132.                 fBackSleep: longint;
  133.                 fFiller1: integer;
  134.                 fStdBlock: Handle;
  135.                 fStdCount: integer;
  136.                 fSysEnvArr: array[1..8] of integer;
  137.                 fApplVRef: integer;
  138.                 fCreator: OSType;
  139.                 fRefCon: longint;
  140.                 fFiller2: array[1..7] of integer;
  141.                 fCursor: integer;
  142.                 fFontMenu: MenuHandle;
  143.                 fSizeMenu: MenuHandle;
  144.                 fStyleMenu: MenuHandle;
  145.                 fColorMenu: MenuHandle;
  146.                 fFiller3: signedbyte;
  147.                 fI1Err: signedbyte;
  148.                 fI2Err: integer;
  149.                 fI4Err: longint;
  150.                 fI8Err: computational;
  151.                 fR4Err: real;
  152.                 fR8Err: double;
  153.                 fR10Err: array[1..5] of integer;
  154.                 fR12Err: array[1..6] of integer;
  155.                 fFiller4: array[1..105] of integer;
  156.                 fDrvr7400: ProcPtr;
  157.                 fMBarHt: signedByte;
  158.                 fDecPtCh: signedByte;
  159.                 fSysFNum: integer;
  160.                 fSysFName: string[31];
  161.                 fWDEF: longint;
  162.                 fGlueData: longint;
  163.                 fWaitNextEvent: longint;
  164.                 fGetNewWindow: longint;
  165.                 fGetNewCWindow: longint;
  166.                 fDisposeWindow: longint;
  167.                 fFiller5: array[1..4] of longint;
  168.                 fActiveWindow: longint;
  169.                 fSelectWindow: longint;
  170.                 fUpdateOther: longint;
  171.                 fFiller6: array[1..9] of longint;
  172.                 fEvent: EventRecord;
  173.                 fFiller7: array[1..190] of integer;
  174. {utility scratch variables}
  175.                 uFSSpec: FSSpec;
  176.                 uHead: array[1..8] of integer;
  177.                 uI2: integer;
  178.                 uI4: longint;
  179.                 uR4: real;
  180.                 uR8: double;
  181.                 uR10: array[1..5] of integer;
  182.                 uR12: array[1..6] of integer;
  183.                 uPt: Point;
  184.                 uRect: Rect;
  185.                 uCommand: longint;
  186.                 uParam: array[1..4] of longint;
  187.                 uResult: longint;
  188.                 uMenuID: longint;
  189.                 uMenuItem: longint;
  190.                 uString: Str255;
  191.                 uName: Str255;
  192.                 uRGB: RGBColor;
  193.                 uStyle: style;
  194.                 uI1: signedbyte;
  195.                 uI8: computational;
  196.                 uMenuHdl: MenuHandle;
  197. {window-related info}
  198.                 vHead: array[1..8] of integer;
  199.                 vErr: integer;
  200.                 vCDEF: ProcPtr;
  201.                 vSelectCtl: ControlHandle;
  202.                 vSelectRec: longint;
  203.                 vSelectID: integer;
  204. {info returned by enabled items}
  205.                 wiHit: integer;
  206.                 wvHit: integer;
  207.                 wcHit: integer;
  208.                 wClick: integer;
  209.                 wEvent: EventRecord;
  210. {window info returned by GetWnd}
  211.                 wWindow: WindowPtr;
  212.                 wResID: integer;
  213.                 wCount: integer;
  214.                 wvCount: integer;
  215.                 wiCount: integer;
  216. {control info returned by GetCtl}
  217.                 cControl: ControlHandle;
  218.                 ciIndex: integer;
  219.                 cvIndex: integer;
  220.                 ccIndex: integer;
  221.                 cBaseID: integer;
  222. {info copied from "cControl" block...}
  223.                 cNext: ControlHandle;
  224.                 cOwner: WindowPtr;
  225.                 cRect: Rect;
  226.                 cVis: signedByte;
  227.                 cHilite: signedByte;
  228.                 cValue: integer;
  229.                 cMin: integer;
  230.                 cMax: integer;
  231.                 cInfo: Handle;
  232.                 cLoData: Handle;
  233.                 cAction: ProcPtr;
  234.                 cRefCon: longint;
  235.                 cTitle: Str255;
  236. {info copied from "cInfo" block...}
  237.                 cStuff: array[1..6] of integer;
  238.                 cTmplRefCon: longint;
  239.                 cPtr: Ptr;
  240.                 cHiData: Handle;
  241.                 cView: ControlHandle;
  242.                 cOldRect: Rect;
  243.                 cClip: Rect;
  244.                 cContent: Rect;
  245.                 cLimit: Rect;
  246.                 cType: longint;
  247.                 cVarCode: integer;
  248.                 cResType: ResType;
  249.                 cResID: integer;
  250.                 cResHdl: Handle;
  251.                 cPrivate: longint;
  252.                 cScrInc: signedByte;
  253.                 cCmdKey: signedByte;
  254.                 cPnRound: integer;
  255.                 cPnSize: Point;
  256.                 cTxJust: signedByte;
  257.                 cTxFace: Style;
  258.                 cTxSize: integer;
  259.                 cTxFont: integer;
  260.                 cDataType: integer;
  261.                 cDataDigits: signedByte;
  262.                 cDataFormat: signedByte;
  263.                 cDataOffset: integer;
  264.                 cDataPtr: Ptr;
  265.                 cStorType: integer;
  266.                 cStorPtr: longint;
  267.                 cColors: CCTabHandle;
  268.                 cOverride: ProcPtr;
  269.                 cCount: integer;
  270.                 cString: Str255;
  271. {private debugging table}
  272.                 xEntries: integer;
  273.                 xTable: array[1..40] of longint;
  274.             end;
  276. implementation
  278. end.